Please see below details on Upcoming Webinar that might be of interest.
AN HONEST CONVERSATION ON STEROIDS Webinar Presented by Prof. Jim McVeigh & David NolanLimerick Sports Partnership and the Mid-West Regional Drug and Alcohol Forum are delighted to host a webinar titled; “An Honest Conversation on Steroids”. This webinar will be delivered over Zoom on Wed Dec 1st, 2021, from 7pm to 9:30pm What do we really know about the use of anabolic steroids? The use of anabolic steroids and associated drugs is now recognised as a public health concern and is a regular topic in the media. But while there is a stereotypical image of the anabolic steroid user portrayed in the media, is this an accurate portrayal of those choosing this form of drug use? This presentation will present a more complex picture of those people who use anabolic steroids and explore what influences their drug use decisions including the specific drugs of choice and the regimes that they use. The presentation will conclude by considering some of the drug related harms both in the short and long term, including those linked to injecting and the use of products from the illicit market. Seminar will be presented by: Prof. Jim McVeigh Substance Use & Associated Behaviours Dept of Sociology Manchester Metropolitan University
Biography Jim holds the post of Professor in Substance Use and Associated Behaviours at Manchester Metropolitan University. He has worked within the field of substance use for 30 years initially as a Nurse at The Maryland Centre working with people who inject drugs, before moving into academia and building an international reputation within the field of human enhancement drugs, in particular, the use of anabolic steroids and associated drugs. In 2020, he founded the Anabolic Steroid United Kingdom Network and leads the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funded research ‘Image and Performance Enhancing Drug Use in the United Kingdom’.
AND David Nolan Lectuer / PhD Candidate & Co-director of the Irish Strength and Conditioning Network Portobello Institute / DCU School of Health and Human Performance