Caherconlish/Caherline Community Council has started the process of developing a community plan. Effective community plans involve the whole community and set out a clear identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and a clear action plan. Our community plan will be used to direct the efforts of the community over the next 5 years.

The community planning process is facilitated by Ballyhoura Development, who will work with the community of Caherconlish/Caherline, to deliver 3 interactive community workshops. Each session will seek to provide and gather relevant information towards developing a realistic, sustainable and achievable community plan for everyone living in the Caherconlish/Caherline community. In workshop 1 the meeting considered the Socioeconomic profile of our community from the 2016 census which will be adjusted as data is available from the 2022 census. The meeting then looked at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that may influence our community year-on-year. The timing of the community planning process is vital as we have heard that the Limerick City & County Council will be launching the Local Area Plan for Caherconlish. The Caherconlish Local Area Plan is a legal document and is a public statement of planning policies. It is valid for six years from the date of adoption by the Council. A new plan is now required to replace the existing LAP for the 2022-2028 period. The LAP will set out a land use strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of our community to comply with the provisions of the Limerick Development Plan 2022-2028 when adopted. Therefore, the outcomes from our community planning workshops will be used to influence the Local Area Plan. It is important that every resident, service, business and interested party is represented by completing the online survey and attending the workshops. Please save the dates of the workshops - Thursday 10th November and 8th December at 8 pm in the Millenium Centre. Let's come together for this process and plan for the future of our community.