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Community Council Newsletter

Writer's picture: mwalshwolves2mwalshwolves2

Issue 19                     31st  July 2020                                       

Priests:  Fr. Roy Donovan:  087-2225150.  Fr. Patrick Currivan: 061-351248.

Photocopying: Available at the Millennium Centre. A4: Black/White 10c, Colour 20c. A3: B/W 20c, Colour 50c

We now have a new and improved Millennium Centre website that covers the work of the Caherconlish Caherline Community Council. 

Can you help out?

Meals on Wheels after Caherconlish Caherline Community Council has supported the delivery of meals to our community members 3 days per week. The meals are now been paid for by recipients and the service is now facing a challenge as volunteer drivers return to Work. we will struggle to deliver medium/long term.         

Millennium Centre Playground The playground will be open every day  from 10am to 6pm .There are restrictions in place that will be reviewed and adjusted going forward. Parents or guardians are required to: To bring their own hand sanitiser for the cleaning of their children’s hands before, and at regular intervals during and after use of the playground equipment. In the absence of such sanitation parents or guardians are requested to refrain from allowing their children use of the equipment. To ensure physical distancing between children. To advise children to avoid touching their face, eyes, nose, and mouth. To ensure children under your care have regard to the safe use of equipment and to the safety of others at all times. To adhere to the most up to date health advice. Please respect the restrictions in place and we cannot allow unsupervised children i.e. under 18's to be on the grounds and will take steps to ensure compliance.

Tennis courts The tennis courts are open to members only. Please ring the Millennium Centre to book a slot. Keys must then be collected and dropped back to the Millennium Centre after each session. Following guidelines from Tennis Ireland, the toilets and clubhouse remain closed. Please bring and use hand sanitizer. No doubles unless players are from the same household. Please keep 2m distance from other players

MILLENNIUM Name Plaque  We are inviting you, your family, your friends and the wider community to help with our future planning by purchasing; a Name Plaque 6” x 4” (150 x 100 mm) for the sum of €100. You will be registered as a lifetime member of the Millennium Sports and Social Club in return for your support. Your Plaque with your inscription will be displayed prominently in the Millennium Centre and highlighted appropriately" Contact the Millennium Centre for more information.

Pilates4All: In the Millennium Centre, outside classes weather permitting. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights at 7.30pm. Classes will now be in the large function room allowing for social distancing. Each participant MUST have their own mat, bands, ball, water etc. This procedure will continue under the current climate. Class numbers are restricted as per guidelines & there are limited spaces available for each class. To avoid disappointment booking is recommended .

Unislim: Every Thursday evening at 6pm Contact Ann 087 6565217

Crafty Angels: Sewing group returns on Monday 10th August at 10am to 12.00pm There will be classes on Monday 17th August and Monday 31st August .There will be no class on the Monday 24th August All are  welcome.

Slimming World returns on Wednesday 12th August 9.30am, 5.30pm & 7.30pm. All are Welcome

Contact Martina 089 4079264

Parish Notes

CAHERLINE CHURCH open for Mass 10am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Sunday. Prayer 10.30am - 4pm daily.  Caherline closed the other three days

CAHERCONLISH CHURCH open for Mass 10am Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Sunday Mass 11am. No vigil Mass on Saturday evening. Caherconlish church closed the other three days.

ADORATION – Tuesday Caherline 10.30 to 11.30am: Friday Caherconlish 10.30 to 12 noon.

Big “Thank You” to all our Volunteers who are involved as Ushers as we come to Mass, clean, tidy and sanitize the building, open and close the church each day, organising the scheduling, Communion etc. enabling us to come to church safely etc.

More Volunteers needed for the rota. Contact parish website, Parish Pastoral Council members or Fr. Roy.

Another Big “Thank You” to all the parishioners who have made donations in recent weeks to help pay the bills. The Sunday “Basket Collection” is replaced by donation boxes at the back door to the Churches.

We ask people to continue to wear masks.

Special thanks to our Sacristans.

We encourage people to come to Mass during the weekdays which fulfils the Sunday obligation to avoid big numbers at the weekend. Adherence to social distancing guidelines is paramount, as are hand hygiene measures.

Due to the pause in the Covid Roadmap OPEN AIR CONFIRMATIONCEREMONIES take place in the School Yard in Caherline School  Wednesday 5th August at 12.30pm & 2pm.  Caherconlish School Yard Saturday 8th August 11am. Fr. Roy is delegated by the Archbishop to confer Confirmation. Please God, we get fine weather.

BAPTISMS have resumed.  It is important to fill out the form and return it before your date can be confirmed by the Baptismal Team.

The Annual Mass in Inch Saint Laurence Cemetery has been Cancelled. Perhaps on Friday 8th August round 7.30pm that evening we could say a silent prayer for all buried there and those who have died during the past year.   We were looking forward to showing off our new pathway to the Crucifix. The cemeteries in the parish are well maintained.  A collection is usually taken up on the night to help towards their upkeep.  We still need your generosity to help maintain these standards for the coming year. 22442222It would be appreciated if you could give a donation via an envelope marked St. Laurence Cemetery. Thank you 

DONATE to your PARISH -   The Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly has established a secure and easy system for parishioners throughout the diocese to make contributions to their parishes.

a)     Go to Diocesan website -

b)     Press Donate to your Parish on top left side

c)     Go down the page and you will see Caherconlish/ Inch St Laurence

d)     Fill in your details of donation and press Donate Now

Caherline GAACLUB LOTTO: No winner, numbers drawn were 10, 27, 29 & 30. Lucky dip winners were Brian Deegan, Tommy O'Connell, Patricia Daly, Freda & Eleanor, and Donald c/o Uncle Toms. Next week jackpot will be €5,100 and the draw will be held on Friday night via Facebook Live from the Caherline GAA Clubhouse from 9:30pm. As always, we would appreciate your support. Tickets are on sale in Ryan’s XL shop, the Post Office and from the usual promoters.

JUNIOR A HURLING: Tough start to our championship on Sunday last, against a well drilled Castletown team. Castletown held the lead for the entire game and while we had it back to 2 points on a few occasions, Castletown were finding their scores a bit easier to come by when they needed them. Maybe with a bit of luck, we could have been in the mix at the end of the game. Final score was Caherline 1-12 Castletown Ballyagran 1-18. We face Garryspillane next on Sunday evening in Hospital, throw-in at 7pm.JUNIOR B HURLING: The East Junior B Hurling Championship kicks off for us on Bank Holiday Monday against South Liberties, throw-in at 3:30pm in Caherconlish.U-21 HURLING: Tough loss for the boys last Wednesday evening against Ballybricken/Bohermore/Fedamore final score on the night, Caherline 0-14, Ballybricken/Bohermore/Fedamore 1-18. We would like to thank all of the players & the management team of Derek, Micheàl & Steve for giving it their all this year. U-16 HURLING: This year's championship starts on Bank Holiday Monday against Hospital-Herbertstown, throw-in for that game at 7pm in Caherconlish. Best of luck to all involved.

Bookings/Enquiries: Contact Millennium Centre on 061 351141/0852885181 email

Please send notes for the newsletter before  3.00pm on Thursday  to:



A community based 'not for profit' company. Registered number 244904. Registered charity number 20143206.

(C) Caherconlish Caherline CC CLG. Privacy Policy.

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