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Issue 10 11th March 2022

Writer's picture: mwalshwolves2mwalshwolves2

Priests: Fr. Roy Donovan: 087-2225150. Fr. Patrick Currivan: 061-351248.

The Board of Caherconlish Caherline Community Council: Breaking News: the Millennium Centre will open its doors to the public on Monday 14th March 2022 after a 6-month closure from fire damage. The work, patience, and determination of so many people have resulted in a phased return. We welcome back the sewing group, the Wednesday Club, Social Dancing and After schools next week and we invite anyone looking to check bookings to phone Declan on 0852885181. The return to full operations will follow as quickly as is possible.

BREAKING NEWS: Our Bric a Brac fundraiser originally scheduled to take place on Sunday October 10th last is now back on track and will be held on Sunday April 10th (coincidentally exactly 6 months later) starting at 2.30pm. We are still collecting items such as furniture, pottery, China, pictures, lamps, toys, plants, shrubs etc. Sponsorship of spot prizes are also welcome. Admission on the day will be €2.00 and a raffle will also be held. Contact Declan on 0852885181 or Nancy on 0864088485 for information on collections and deliveries etc.

The Wednesday Club will return to the Millennium Centre on Wednesday at 2pm. We look forward to seeing you all. New members are always welcome.

Work Placement Employment Programme Kitchen assistant – 30 hours per week – Paid position

Eligibility To be eligible for this role you must have received one of the following for 6 months within the last 12 months: Jobseeker’s allowance, Jobseeker’s Benefit, Jobseeker’s transitional payment, one-parent family payment, Disability allowance or Jobseeker’s benefit for the self-employed.

Job Description The successful candidate will be inducted into the catering assistant role and will gain practical experience and training in the following:  Prepping vegetables and salads and assisting the chefs.  Use of all kitchen equipment.  Daily cleaning of the kitchen and utensils.  Assisting in the preparation of desserts during service also in making sandwiches, wraps.  Preparing side orders and knowing the number of portions required.  Operating our HACCP system which includes temperature control and dating stickers.  Use of all equipment in the kitchen area.  Knowledge of stock and equipment.  Knife skills. 

The participant will be trained and mentored daily. The closing date for applications is April 22nd, if you are interested in this position, please email your CV to us at

A wedding ring has been found in the vicinity of St Ailbe's Credit Union. The owner can claim this ring by contacting 0862276331 and giving their details

CAHERLINE GAA CLUB LOTTO : No jackpot winner - numbers drawn were 7, 15, 26 & 27. Lucky dip winners were Bee Barrett (Online), Shane O'Connell (Online), Johnny Carroll (Online), Rachel Connaughton and Michael Byrnes (Online). Next week’s jackpot will be €5,800 and the draw will be held on Friday night via Facebook Live. As always, we appreciate everyone's support. Our lotto tickets can be purchased online, go to or you can buy through the usual outlets in the village. PITCH OPEN SOON: Our pitch was recently sanded and will be unavailable to us for another 2 weeks or so. MEMBERSHIP: Reminder that Caherline GAA membership for 2022 can now be paid online through the GAA's Foireann website at Membership for 2022 is as follows: - Adult Player = €40; U-21 = €30; U-19 = €20 (Max €50 per family); Adult non-player = €30. CLUB LIMERICK DRAW: The Club Limerick Draw is live for 2022. For only €10 a month, be in with a chance of winning a top prize of €10,000, PLUS 29 additional cash prizes each month. Join online at or through any committee member. The first draw for 2022 takes place on March 26th.

Crafty Angels Sewing Group: Sewing Group returns on Monday 14th March from 10.00am – 12.00pm.

Bookings/Enquiries: Contact Millennium Centre on 0852885181 Email:

Please send notes for the newsletter before 3.00pm on Thursday to:


“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, but they have the heart.”

Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit! HAPPY SAINT PATRICK’s DAY everyone! You are welcome to join our Feast day Mass celebrations 7.30pm on Wednesday 16th Caherconlish; Thursday 17th 10am Caherline & 11am Caherconlish. We know Patrick chiefly from his own writings. This is how he begins his story: I am Patrick, a sinner....the most unlearned of people...I used to pray many times during the day...We ask Naomh Pádraig’s help to drive the Corona Virus out of the country & help for Ukraine.

WEEKDAY MASSES: Caherline - 10.30am Tuesday & 10am Thursday. 11.30am Friday Phyllis Connolly memorial Mass. Caherconlish - 7.30pm Wednesday, 11am Thursday & 10am Friday. ADORATION after Tuesday mass in Caherline & Friday mass in Caherconlish

Keep in Touch - PARISH WEBSITE - Caherconlish – Caherline parish pastoral website

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK - Caherconlish Caherline Parish @ccparishpastoral

Link to LIVE STREAM in Caherconlish Church – or parish website.

SPECIAL 1 ENVELOPE COLLECTION before 20th March for Diocesan Needs. Accord, personnel employed in Diocesan Office, Child Protection & GDPR. Our parish asked to contribute 10,200e.

Trócaire Lenten Campaign - Please take home a Trócaire Envelope. It includes your Box & Information Leaflet. This year, Catholics in Ireland are asked to support missionaries and Catholic relief agencies at work among the people of Zimbabwe in southern Africa, in crying need.

Horrors in Ukraine -- An Appeal Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly has written to inform us all of one particular way we can respond to the crisis there. Seven (7) Irish organisations – including Trócaire – have come together to form the Irish Emergency Alliance (IEA) in order to appeal for funds to assist the victims of this war. If you go to it will point you to the IEA website where you can make your donation.

We congratulate the 41 young people who made their CONFIRMATION in Caherline. “May this special day live with you always. ...”. “May God always be in your life so that you have someone to lean on as you grow, learn, and become who you're meant to be.” Thanks to all who helped make it memorable.

7 Days to Equinox: 28 Days to Holy Week (from this Sunday 13th)

LENTEN TALKS SERIES 2022: Noticing God along the road with us • Tuesday 15th March at 7.30pm – Michael Conway – Role Models: Women in church and society • Tuesday 22nd March at 7.30pm – Diarmuid O’Murchu – Adult Faith in 2022Booking: email or to register. Queries: KIB Parish office 085 1872212 / FCJ House 087 4479115

Fully Escorted Pilgrimage four-night Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine, 4th April. €570.00 per person sharing. Price includes return bus transfer ,4 nights in Knock House Hotel with Full Board. All entertainment and excursions. Wheelchair accessible rooms. Single supplement €75.00. Contact Patricia on 087 1890 236 or email

Parish Fundraiser Lotto: Next week €1175. Lucky dip – Tommy O’ Connell. Supporting roof leak repairs in Caherconlish Church. Join at or through Parish Website.

CONFIRMATIONS in Caherconlish Church 1st April.

FIRST CONFESSION/ FORGIVENESS: Caherline next Tuesday 15th; Caherconlish Tuesday 22nd

The BASKET collection is replaced by putting offerings in the safe box and box left out during Masses at the end of the Church. We thank you for your generosity.

RIVERSIDE FUELS: Hi folks it that time of the year again when we need to stock up on our fuel requirements. In addition to our range of firewood, turf and kindling in bags we are now doing trailer loads of firewood. For more information, please contact me on 086 6030881



A community based 'not for profit' company. Registered number 244904. Registered charity number 20143206.

(C) Caherconlish Caherline CC CLG. Privacy Policy.

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