Priests: Fr. Roy Donovan: 087-222 5150. Fr. Patrick Currivan: 061-351248.
Photocopying: Available at the Millennium Centre. One-sided A4: Black/White 20c, Colour 40c. A3: B/W 40c, Colour75c
Social Dancing at the Millennium Centre: Saturday 20th April, music by Magic Moments.Dancing9pm,Adm.€10
Wednesday Club: Club will be on at its usual time 2pm this Wednesday. Specsavers have rescheduled until Wednesday 1st of May. New members are always welcome.
The Millennium Centre are looking for donations of any unwanted small household items, toys, bric a brac etc. Contact 061 351141
Seisiún in the Millennium Centre Wednesday 17th April at 8.30pm. A night of traditional song, music and storytelling. All welcome!
Joker Fundraiser: Next Draw Friday 12th April at 10pm. No jackpot winner. Winner of €20 Finn Coleman . Jackpot is now €340. The cost of entry is €2. Thank you all for your continued support.
Living Well a free programme for adults living with any long-term or chronic conditions. Starting in the Millennium Centre on Tuesday 16th April from 10.30am-1pm. To book your place contact Philip Hennessy Tel: 087 1799396 Email: Philip.hennessy2@hse.ie
La Petite Academy Preschool, Caherconlish, now enrolling for September 2024 to 2026, free ECCE preschool spaces available. Small class sizes. We provide an all-inclusive, hands-on preschool curriculum to help prepare your child for Primary School. Please contact Sharon on 086-1566907 for information.
TOTAL BODY HEALTH: Group exercise classes led by Chartered Physiotherapist; Dr Anne O'Malley. Bookings welcome for standing class at 12 noon & chair-based class for those with reduced mobility at 1.10pm. Focussing on bone health, balance & muscle strengthening. Booking essential 087-9227124.
Crafty Angels Sewing Group Monday from 10.00 am-12.00 pm
Pilates4all Monday 6-week block of classes at 7pm. Suitable for all abilities classes tailored accordingly. Booking essential. Contact Maire 087 252 0550
Jake Boot Camp: Monday , Wednesday , 7-8pm, Saturday Morning 8.30 am €8 per class or 3 classes for €20. All levels of fitness. Booking essential, WHATSAPP Jake on 083 836 2323 or VIA INSTAGRAM @Jake_Carroll9
Slimming World: Every Wednesday Morning, Contact Martina 089 407 9264
Parent and Toddler group every Thursday at 10am -12pm Contact Michelle/Phil 086 888 8105.
Hynan Irish Dancing: Thursday evenings 6-7pm Contact Jason Hynan by email: Hynanirishdance@gmail.com
Gemstars School of Performing Arts: Contact by Email gemstarslimerick@gmail.com or 087 440 5177
CAHERLINE GAA CLUB LOTTO: No jackpot winner - numbers drawn were 6, 22, 28 & 30. Lucky dip winners were K Hickey, Nellie Warren, James Pius Hourigan (Online), Linda Daly (Online) & Majella McCarthy (Online). Next week’s jackpot will be €16,700 and the draw will be held on Friday night next via Facebook Live. Our lotto tickets can be purchased online, go to www.lottoraiser.ie/Caherline or you can buy through the usual outlets in the village. Many thanks for your continued support. INTERMEDIATE HURLING LEAGUE: Bons Secours Hospital South East Intermediate Hurling League Round 1 result - Caherline: 5-15(30) Croom: 3-16(25). EAST JUNIOR B HURLING LEAGUE: First round result, Caherline: 2-7(13) Na Piarsaigh: 2-18(24). UNDER 17 HURLING LEAGUE: Result from Wednesday April 10th, Caherline: 3-10(19) South Liberties/Crecora-Manister: 2-12(18). CÚL CAMP 2024: The Caherline Cúl Camp will take place from June 24th - 28th in the hurling field, from 10am - 2pm each day. Bookings are now open via www.kelloggsculcamps.gaa.ie/ Sean McKenna is our camp supervisor again this year, we want to thank him for doing so.
Parish Notes
Apologies for an inconvenience in regard to entry to Caherconlish Church while the present works are ongoing.
SPECIAL 1 ENVELOPE COLLECTION (April) for Diocesan Needs - including Accord, & personnel employed in Diocesan Office. Our Parish is asked to contribute €10,200. Special 2 (June) for Peter’s Pence; Special 3 (October) for Missions; Special 4 (Christmas) for salaries of priests.
ONLINE PARISH LOTTO. Jackpot increases weekly up to €5,000 now at €3325. Draw each Thursday. Lucky dip winner Noreen Heelan. Thank you for your support.
TROCAIRE BOXES: Trócaire boxes can be returned this week.
EUCHARIST this Weekend 13/14th April: Saturday 6.30pm Caherconlish – Joan Ryan, Ashford, Fedamore Sunday 10.30am Caherline –
EUCHARIST Weekend 20/21April: Saturday 6.30pm Caherconlish – Donie Collins, Inch St. Laurence; Kathleen Daly, Hillview Drive; Bernie Dalton, Pust; Henry O’Grady, Ballyhobin and his Donor, Marian Ward, Riverfield. Month’s Mind: Theo Butler, Barrack Close. Sunday 10.30am Caherline – Mike O’Connell, Newtown.
WEEKDAY EUCHARIST; Thursday 10am in Caherline; Friday 10am in Caherconlish Church. ADORATION HOUR: Tuesday in Caherline 10.30am & Friday 10.30am Caherconlish.
Caherconlish/Caherline Parish is currently advertising a position for a Part time paid SACRISTAN in Archbishop Dermot O'Hurley, Church, Caherline. Co. Limerick. If you are interested in finding out more about this role please contact Fr. Roy Donovan, Parochial House, Caherconlish or email: donovan8roy@gmail.com
FIRST COMMUNION DAY/ EUCHARIST: 11am next Saturday 13th April in Caherconlish. Refreshments in Millennium Centre afterwards. FIRST COMMUNION DAY/ EUCHARIST: 11am Saturday 27th April in Caherline.
Caherconlish Church open daily 9am to 6pm. Caherline Church open daily 9am to 5pm. Drop in to say a prayer or light a candle for your loved ones.
Link to LIVE STREAM IN CAHERCONLISH CHURCH- : https://churchcamlive.ie/caherconlish or from our parish website. Live web streaming from this Church is available only during Mass and selected Services. The Webcam is not accessible at other times. Keep in Touch- PARISH WEBSITE -Caherconlish-Caherline Parish pastoral website: http://www,ccpp.ie FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK-Caherconlish Caherline Parish @ccparishpastoral
Synodality Explored Conference in Knock: Please find attached some information about an upcoming conference that will take place here at Knock Shrine on the 19th and 20th of April. The conference is being hosted in conjunction with Notre Dame University Australia and Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops will be keynote speaker each day. The conference is open to the public and is free of charge. Further details on www.knockshrine.ie Pilgrimage to Knock & Co. Mayo: 5 nights staying in Westport from May 12th. See the flyer in Church notice board. Contact 094 900 6426 or 087 1890236
Burren Outdoor Retreat, Co Clare: Saturday 4th to Monday 6th May .Would you like to come on a guided journey through the Burren with its limestone pavements, rare flora and ancient sacred sites? Let the beauty of the amazing Burren landscape renew you in body and soul. Information: Mary 087 970 1130. Booking: Noirin 087 447 9115
The Cashel & Emly 50th Archdiocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 14th to 20th June 2024. Booking forms in Sacristy. EUCHARISTIC LITURGY IN THE ABSENCE OF A PRIEST: With the vast majority of clergy over the age of 70 and with the numbers of priests so depleted change is inevitable. You have already experienced the clustering of parishes and priests rotating from church to church to cover Eucharist. The imminent reality is that due to possible illness, injury, exhaustion, an accident, or a death the number of times people gather to celebrate the Eucharist and no priest turns up or no cleric is available will happen frequently and soon. With this simple truth in mind a Eucharistic Liturgy in the absence of a priest is now available in our Pastoral Unit of Parishes (Ballybricken, Bohermore, Caherconlish, Caherline, Herbertstown, Hospital, Knockainey, Patrickswell). Thanking you, in advance, for your support, understanding and participation.
Bookings/Enquiries: Contact Millennium Centre on 061 351141/085 288 5181. Email: info@caherconlish.net
Please send notes for the newsletter before 3pm on Thursday to info@caherconlish.net
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK PAGE-Caherconlish Caherline Community Centre Council