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Issue 17 23rd April 2021

Priests: Fr. Roy Donovan: 087-2225150. Fr. Patrick Currivan: 061-351248.

Photocopying: Available at the Millennium Centre. A4: Black/White 10c, Colour 20c. A3: B/W 20c, Colour 50c

Caherconlish Tennis Club reopens on Monday 25th of April. Grounds will be open to the public from 9am to 8pm daily.

Strictly Members Only allowed on the tennis courts, for insurance purposes. Please adhere to government Covid-19 guidelines at all times. Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance to all courts. The clubhouse and toilets will remain closed. Old and new members welcome - please pay your membership at the Millennium Centre. €30 Family membership, €15 Individual membership, €10 students/ seniors. Thanks to the staff of the Millennium Centre for getting the courts cleaned up for the season.

Millennium Centre playground New opening time from Monday 26th April Time 9 am to 8 pm.

MILLENNIUM Name Plaque: We are inviting you, your family, your friends, and the wider community to help with our future planning by purchasing; a Name Plaque 6” x 4” (150 x 100 mm) for the sum of €100. You will be registered as a lifetime member of the Millennium Sports and Social Club in return for your support. Your Plaque with your inscription will be displayed prominently in the Millennium Centre and highlighted appropriately. Contact the Millennium Centre for more information.

CAHERLINE GAA CLUB LOTTO: CLUB LOTTO: Our Lotto is coming back! Our first draw since January 8th will take place on Friday night April 30th at 9:30pm via Facebook Live. Tickets will be available through the usual outlets from Friday April 23rd. RETURN TO TRAINING: Bord na nÓg training finally returns next week in the hurling field. On Monday 26th, our U-15's will train at 7pm; on Wednesday 28th our U-17's will train at 7pm; on Thursday 29th, our U-13's return at 7pm and on Friday 30th, our U-11's, U-9's & U-7's return to the field at 6pm. We look forward to seeing you all back & we would always welcome new players, so please spread the word. GARDA VETTING: Ahead of a return to play, it is important to note that any person who carries out a role of responsibility such as coaching, managing or training underage teams or indeed adult teams that contain any player under 18 yrs. of age, must be Garda vetted. It also applies to organising underage activities or refereeing underage games. It is a criminal offence, for a person acting on behalf of the GAA, to commence working with children without that person first obtaining a vetting disclosure. To complete the vetting procedure, please go to CÚL CAMP: Our Cúl Camp will take place from Mon 28th June to Fri 2nd July, 10am to 2pm each day. Sean McKenna is our camp co-ordinator again this year. All places are to be booked online this year and the kits will be delivered by post to the participants. The camp can be booked though CLUB MEMBERSHIP: Reminder that Caherline GAA membership for 2021 can now be paid online through the GAA's Foireann website at With a return to juvenile training scheduled from next week. If you have any queries on it, please contact your child's coach or any committee member.

Caherconlish GAA Football Club. Fundraiser. this Saturday April 26th.We are continuing with our old clothes collection and will hold a collection this Saturday morning April 24th 9am to 2pm. We also can collect, or you can drop them off to us anytime, just contact a committee member. Once again Thanks to everyone that support us. RETURN TO TRAINING: We hope to start back training next week, we will start back slowly with maybe one underage group next week, Return to play Protocol has to be carried out. Coaches will be in contact with details. Membership. All players have to be Registered for the 2021 season to be covered by insurance, Membership for the 2021 season Youth €20- €40 for two or more players. Student: €20 and Adult: €30. LIMERICK DRAW: Reminder that the Club Limerick draw will take place on Saturday morning, . Log onto to join today or make contact with one of the committee members. 50% of your money goes directly to our club and the other 50% goes directly to supporting our County teams. There are great prizes in this draw. You can join the draw anytime. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Caherconlish AFC are delighted to announce the 1st phase development of the soccer grounds. The club are hoping that the community will support us in trying to achieve this goal. Donations can be made via gofundme: Or at the following business’s: Ryan’s shop, St Ailbes credit union, The Millennium Centre, O Sullivan Centra and the Stone Oven Bistro


Keep in Touch - PARISH WEBSITE - Caherconlish – Caherline parish pastoral website

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK - Caherconlish Caherline Parish @ccparishpastoral OUR PARISH MASS for Sunday available from Saturday evening - check Caherconlish/Caherline Parish website ; Also, through parish Facebook / YouTube.

Anniversaries can also be booked for people whose anniversaries occur at this time.

28 days to PENTECOST SUNDAY – we are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!

TRÓCAIRE - €900 received – thank you. Every donation , no matter how small, makes a significant difference. Those using Trocaire boxes can drop them into the Church safe box.

BAPTISMS – can happen only with Parents/ Child/ Godparents present/ no parties allowed.

CAHERCONLISH & CAHERLINE CHURCHES open daily 10am to 5pm. Drop in, say a prayer, light a candle.

PARISH ENVELOPES: We thank you for your generosity in returning the weekly/monthly envelopes. These can be put in the safe (brown) box in either Church.

ENGINEER’S REPORT ON THE FLOOR OF CAHERCONLISH CHURCH – advises us to replace the present floor which has deteriorated in several places.

IRISH BISHOPS HAVE BEEN ORDERED BY POPE FRANCIS TO SET UP A NATIONAL SYNOD: What is a Synod? The word “synod” evokes the image of “walking together on the way”. For the Church it is a time-honoured way of working out together the “navigation map” for the Church at particular times. Synodality is about the whole People of God helping each other listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church. Presently we have a top-down Church – Pope, Bishops, Priest, People. It is about creating a bottom-up Church – the People of God are on top. Pope Francis has emphasised that “it is precisely this path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium”. The Bishops have announced an initial submission phase of the Synodal Pathway - “Feedback, which should be no more than 300 words and submitted by Pentecost Sunday 23 May, ought to focus on the nature of the process for the consultation i.e., how we can best go about this initial phase of establishing the conversation, rather than on the prospective themes for the Synodal Pathway, which will be addressed in the next phase. At, on the new Synodal Pathway webpage , people are invited to offer feedback to the following question: What would be your preferred option for engagement in a conversation process about the Synod? The responses will be considered by the task group to be put in place by the bishops this summer to plan and oversee the first steps along the synodal pathway.

Presently our Archdiocese is engaged in dismantling the Deanery System (an outcome of ongoing Listening process) gatherings (6) of groups of priests in surrounding parishes basically implementing the wishes of the Bishop – a tops down model of Church. The Archdiocese wants to create bottom-up structures of people and priests working together – WITH priests handing over control to people. How do we do this? What other surrounding parishes can we work more closely with?

YOU MAY WANT TO CONSIDER DOING YOUR WEEKLY/ MONTHLY/YEARLY ENVELOPE ONLINE. The Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly has established a secure and easy system for parishioners throughout the diocese to make contributions to their parishes.(a) Go to Diocesan website -

(b) Press Donate to your Parish on top left side (c) Go down the page and you will see Caherconlish/ Inch St Laurence

(d) Fill in your details of donation and press Donate Now

ALONE manage a national support line and additional supports for older people who have concerns or are relating to COVID-19. Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice/reassurance where necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am - 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

MABS runs a Helpline (0761 07 2000, Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm) and operates from over 60 locations nationwide. We are a completely free, confidential, independent & non-judgmental service and we would be delighted to provide assistance to anyone you feel would benefit from meeting with us.

Bookings/Enquiries: Contact Millennium Centre on 061 351141/0852885181 Email:

Please send notes for the newsletter before 3.00pm on Thursday to:

RIVERSIDE FUELS: We are now covering your Local area with the following fuel products: Top quality firewood, (Net bags and Plastic bags) Kindling starter sticks and black hopper turf. All our products are seasoned, and air dried in our specially designed Shed. We deliver six days a week free of charge. For More information on specials offers and prices ETC. Please contact Patsy on 086 6030881



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