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Issue 24 17th June 2022

Priests:Fr. Roy Donovan: 087-2225150. Fr. Patrick Currivan: 061-351248.

Photocopying: Available at the Millennium Centre. One-sided A4: Black/White 10c, Colour 20c. A3: B/W 20c, Colour 50c

SAVE OUR POST OFFICE: the closing date for applications was last Friday and there has been no news on the long-term future of our Post Office. Any news will be shared on our social media platforms.

The Caherconlish Caherline Community Council are seeking volunteers for the following roles,

1. Tennis Club subcommittee to support the proposed developments and operations of the tennis club.

2. A party MC/Entertainer to prepare and manage themed parties (could become a paid role).

3. A Communications & Social Media volunteer to assist with designing and rolling out our communication strategy.

Many thanks to Limerick Sports Partnership, for their grant of €1500 to purchase new sports equipment. Also Thank you Age and Opportunity for your grant of €340 to promote physical activity in our more mature service users.

Wednesday Club: Every Wednesday at 2pm. New members are always welcome.

UPCOMING SOCIAL DANCE : Saturday 18th June. Music by Magic Moments dancing from 9pm.

Seisiún will break for July and August, we look forward to welcoming everyone back in September

Crafty Angels Sewing Group: Sewing Group every Monday from 10.00am – 12.00pm.

Pilates4all every Monday in the Millennium Centre 6-week block of classes at 7pm. Suitable for all abilities, classes tailored accordingly. Booking essential. Contact Maire 087 2520550

Chloe’s Yoga Fitness: Every Tuesday from 7pm to 8pm. Booking is required, WHATSAPP 089 260 9590

Slimming World: Every Wednesday, Contact Martina 089 4079264 .

Jake Boot Camp : Every Monday and Wednesday 7-8pm, €6 per class. All levels of fitness. Booking essential, WHATSAPP Jake on 0838362323 or VIA INSTAGRAM @Jake_Carroll99

Parent and toddler group summer break, returns 8th September Contact Michelle/Phil 086 8888105

Youth Club every Thursday 4.30pm age group 13/17 Contact Paul 087 217 5528

Rainbow Community Employment, seek workers for CE scheme. Various jobs and localities.

We offer upskilling, Training, and flexible hours. Please contact Paul on 085 2408468

Bookings/Enquiries: Contact Millennium Centre on 061 351141/ 0852885181

Please send notes for the newsletter before 3.00pm on Thursday to:

Caherconlish Tidy Towns: In preparation for the judging in the National Supervalu Tidy Towns competition we would like to thank everyone who has put in a huge effort to enhance our area. The painting, planting, grass cutting, and decorating work carried out by our committee, volunteers, clubs, and residents are to be highly commended. Many visitors to the area have commented on how good our village looks at present. We would urge

everyone to keep up the good work and keep our village litter free, neat clean and tidy. Well done to Declan on the fantastic painting job at the tennis grounds and to the members of the soccer club who carried out a big clean-up at the entrance to their grounds. Several residents have asked once again to highlight the problem of dog fouling on footpaths, gateways, and walkways. Under the Litter Pollution Act it is an offence to let your dog foul in a public place.


WEEKDAY MORNING MASSES: Caherconlish – Wednesday & Friday 10am. Caherline – Tuesday & Thursday 10am. ADORATION after Tuesday mass in Caherline & Friday mass in Caherconlish.

FEAST OF THE BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI) – “The words and gestures of the Lord touch our hearts: He takes the bread in his hands, pronounces the blessing, breaks it, and offers it to the disciples, saying: ‘Take; this is my body.’ And thus, with simplicity, Jesus gives us the greatest sacrament,” recalled the Pope. “His is a humble gesture of giving, a gesture of sharing.

ST. MICHAEL’S NURSING HOME – need of EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS. A request for Ministers of the Eucharist to bring communion to the residents. Ministers might contact Fr. Roy to set up a rota. Residents are very appreciative of receiving communion.

Keep in Touch PARISH WEBSITE - Caherconlish – Caherline parish pastoral website

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK - Caherconlish Caherline Parish @ccparishpastoral

Link to LIVE STREAM in Caherconlish Church – or parish website. Any feedback to the live stream is welcome.

Prayer for Exam Students. O God, help all students doing and preparing for exams. Help them to remember well and to think clearly. Bless them in their work and help them to find their role in life. Amen

Caherconlish & Caherline Parish Fundraiser Lotto:Jackpot increases weekly up to €5,000. Draw each Thursday.

Join Now or Winner10th June —Nancy & Teddy Connolly €25 Lucky Dip. Jackpot now stands at €925. Thank you for your support.

The Annual Mass in Inch Saint Lawrence Cemetery: Friday 5thAugust 7.30pm. The cemeteries in the parish are well maintained. A collection is taken up on the evening to help towards their upkeep. We still need your generosity to help maintain these standards for the coming year. Thank you

SCHOOL GRADUATION MASSES:Caherline Church Thursday 16th 10am & Caherconlish Church Tuesday 21st 11.45am. We wish 6th Class students every blessing as they say goodbye to primary school and embrace a whole new world. As Winnie the Pooh once said, ‘how lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so special.’

CAHERLINE GAA CLUB LOTTO: No jackpot winner - numbers drawn were 1, 3, 18 & 29. Lucky dip winners were Alan Whelan, Anna, Grace & Daniel c/o Ryan's Shop, Martina Leonard, Paudie O'Keeffe and Mike O'Shea. Next week’s jackpot will be €7,200 and the draw will be held on Friday night via Facebook Live. As always, we appreciate everyone's support. Our lotto tickets can be purchased online, go to or you can buy through the usual outlets in the village. FIXTURES: Monday June 20th, our U-15's welcome Knockainey to Caherconlish, throw-in at 7pm. Tuesday June 21st, our U-11's travel to Kilfinane for a 6:45pm start. Thursday June 24th, our U-13's travel to Banogue to play Dromin-Athlacca-Banogue for a 7pm start. Best of luck to all teams. CÚL CAMP 2022: Kellogg's GAA Cúl Camps are back! The camp in Caherline Gaa will take place from Monday June 27th - Friday July 1st from 10.00am to 2.00pm each day. Our camp supervisor this year is Sean McKenna. More information on the camps is available at https://www.kelloggsculcamps.gaa.ieCLUB LIMERICK DRAW: The June CLUB Limerick Draw will take place on Saturday 25th June with the Exclusive Star Prize of an Outback Jupiter (Red) 4 Burner Hybrid BBQ. 1st Prize €10,000 with 28 other CASH Prizes to give away...entry only €10 per month, with 7 draws remaining in 2022. Visit to join.



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