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Issue 34 20th August 2021

Writer's picture: mwalshwolves2mwalshwolves2

Priests: Fr. Roy Donovan: 087-2225150. Fr. Patrick Currivan: 061-351248.

Photocopying: Available at the Millennium Centre. A4: Black/White 10c, Colour 20c. A3: B/W 20c, Colour 50c

Millennium Centre Sale of Work: The Millennium Centre will run a sale of work on October 10th. We will be happy to accept any unwanted saleable items you may wish to dispose of e.g mirrors, ladieshandbags, scarfs, picture frames, candle holders, delph, furniture, lamps, plants etc. Due to Covid 19 restrictions items may only be dropped off by prior arrangement. For further information please phone Declan 0852885181 or Nancy 0854088485. We regret we will not be able to accept clothing items, shoes, or bedding .

Good luck and best wishes to the Limerick Team on Sunday from The Millennium Centre.

Millennium Centre playground the playground will be open every day from 9 am to 8 pm. Due to damage done to the playground over the past weeks. We would like to remind all parents and children of the following The playground is for CHILDREN UNDER 13 ONLY. ALL children MUST BE SUPERVISED when using the playground. Please also note that, for security reasons, the playground is under CCTV surveillance.

Lottery Syndicate Fundraiser for the Millennium Centre: We are well under way with the Daily Million and Daily Million plus. Keep your fingers crossed for a big win! Thanks to all who supported us. Daily Million numbers : 2, 7, 10, 30, 33, 35. Lotto numbers: 15, 18, 26, 30, 34, 41 and 6,9, 14, 20, 28, 30. EuroMillions numbers: 5,8,9,18, 35, 7, 11.

Caherconlish Tennis Club Grounds will be open to the public from 9am to 8pm daily. Strictly Members Only allowed on the tennis courts. Please pay your membership at the Millennium Centre. €30 Family membership, €15 Individual membership, €10 students/seniors.

MILLENNIUM Name Plaque now includes a lifetime membership to our Sports & Social Club: We are inviting you, your family, your friends, and the wider community to help with our future planning by purchasing; a Name Plaque 6” x 4” (150 x 100 mm) for the sum of €100. You will be registered as a lifetime member of the Millennium Sports and Social Club in return for your support. Your Plaque with your inscription will be displayed prominently in the Millennium Centre and highlighted appropriately. Contact the Millennium Centre for more information.

Membership: There are several benefits from taking out the annual membership and joining the Millennium Centre Sports & Social Club i.e., priority bookings, early notice of upcoming events and more to follow. However, the ever-changing public health measures has made membership a necessity as we open our doors to more and more activities. Membership will be necessary for any event involving serving of food and the bar and we are introducing the covid vaccination certification checks and pre-bookings to allow us to manage the health measures for the safety of all those working and coming into the Millennium Centre. The first of those events is commencing this Friday and Saturday evening the 20th & 21st August. Please contact the centre to discuss membership and we look forward to announcing events for you to enjoy your membership.

Caherconlish Football Club: TRAINING: Every Tuesday evening 6-30 7-30 pm in the GAA Field. It is very important that everyone completes the Return to play Health Questionnaire which can be accessed at this year. It needs to be completed before every training session and match. If you are having issues, please discuss it with the Coaches before training. Membership All players have to be Registered for the 2021 season to be covered by insurance. Membership Youth €20- €40 for two or more players. Student: €20 and Adult: €30. Important everyone pays their membership to be covered by the player injury fund. Fundraiser. We are continuing with our old clothes collection next one September 25th. We take all types of old clothes, shoes and handbags, No Duvets, or Pillows, We also can collect, or you can drop them off to us anytime, just contact a committee member. Once again Thanks to everyone that support us

CAHERLINE GAA CLUB LOTTO: No jackpot winner - numbers drawn were 1, 7, 19 & 29. Lucky dip winners were Ger Coffey, Cillian Carroll, Breda Mulready, Phyllis Long and Vincent & Majella Enright. Next week

jackpot will be €2,900 and the draw will be held on Friday night via Facebook Live. As always, we appreciate everyone's support. JUNIOR A HURLING: Good run out for the lads last Saturday in a challenge match against Na Piarsaigh in Caherconlish, final score Na Piarsaigh 1-17 Caherline 2-10. We should be in Brian Butler Cup action in the next week or so, just waiting on fixtures to be clarified. U-19 HURLING: Great game of hurling last Friday August 13th in Caherconlish, our lads taking a win, final score Caherline 1-17 B'bricken/B'more/Fedamore 1-12. It was also great to see Conor McGrath in the field we wish Conor continued good wishes in his recovery from a nasty injury picked up a few weeks back.

U-13 HURLING: Our lads had a good run out against Crecora in a challenge match last Monday evening, everyone got good game time, some in different positions than they're used to, but a great effort all round. In the Championship, we await the results of two games this week to see where we'll sit on the table.

ALL-IRELAND FINAL: All at Caherline Gaa would like to wish the Limerick Hurling team the very best of luck against Cork on Sunday in the 2021 All-Ireland Final, bring it home boys!


FIRST COMMUNION in Caherconlish postponed until Saturday 2nd October . In our diocese (& in our parish), we await advice of Government & guidance from Archbishop.

Keep in Touch - PARISH WEBSITE - Caherconlish – Caherline parish pastoral website

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK - Caherconlish Caherline Parish @ccparishpastoral

WEEKEND MASS TIMES: 6.30pm Saturday Caherconlish; 10am Sunday Caherline &11am Caherconlish.

Only ONE Anniversary Mass per Mass at our weekend Masses on Saturday and Sunday in Caherconlish and Caherline due to Covid restrictions on numbers. Anniversary Masses can also take place at weekday Masses.

WEEKDAY MASSES this week: Tuesday 6.30pm &Thursday 10am in Caherline; Wednesday & Friday 10am in Caherconlish.

ADORATION: Tuesday 10.30 – 11.30am in Caherline. Friday 10.30 -11.30am in Caherconlish

BAPTISMS – proceed. “Baptisms must follow all protective measures and social gatherings afterwards should be avoided” – Government Website.

CAHERCONLISH open daily 9am to 7pm. CAHERLINE open daily 10am to 5pm. Drop in, say a prayer, light a candle.

PARISH ENVELOPES: We thank you for your generosity in returning the weekly/monthly envelopes. These can be put in the safe (brown) box in either Church. Weekly basket collection is replaced by putting your offerings in the safe box and box left out during Masses at the end of the Church.

Advance Notice - Season of Creation : September 1s – October 4th, inspired by the writings of Pope Francis concerning our caring for & sharing of our ‘Common Home’ .Special focus during the Sundays of the Harvest Season in Ireland – which is often a Time of Famine in many parts of the world. How to balance things

Launch of Diocesan Pastoral Plan 2021-26. After 2 years of Listening in our Archdiocese, a year of Shutdowns and a year of Reflection & Writing, our Plans for the Future will be launched on Sunday, 12th September, the Feast day of St. Ailbe – patron saint of the archdiocese. Details to come.

Line Dancing : Monday night at 7.30 pm in the Millennium Centre Car park. Contact Pat O Dea 061 384119

Slimming World: Every Wednesday, Contact Martina 089 4079264 to book an appointment.

Bookings/Enquiries: Contact Millennium Centre on 061 351141/0852885181 Email:

Please send notes for the newsletter before 3.00pm on Thursday to:



A community based 'not for profit' company. Registered number 244904. Registered charity number 20143206.

(C) Caherconlish Caherline CC CLG. Privacy Policy.

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