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Issue 42 20th October 2023

Priests: Fr. Roy Donovan: 087-222 5150. Fr. Patrick Currivan: 061-351248.

Photocopying: Available at the Millennium Centre. One-sided A4: Black/White 20c, Colour 40c. A3: B/W 40c, Colour75C

Wednesday Club every Wednesday at 2pm. New members are always welcome.

Christmas Market will take place in the Millennium Centre on Sunday November 26th from 2 -5 pm. To book your table please contact the Millennium Centre 061 351141 or Kay 087 9774611.

Joker Fundraiser: Next Draw Friday 20th October at 10pm. The Jackpot is now €180. No jackpot winner. Winner of €20 Geraldine Daly. The cost of entry is €2. Thank you all for your continued support.

Social Dancing : Saturday 21st October, music by Magic Moments . Dancing at 9pm. Adm €10

Saturday 28th October, music by Jimmy Hogan & Lar Kenny . Dancing at 9pm. Adm €10

BEAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Caherconlish N.S. are holding a coffee morning & cake sale to raise funds for BREAST CANCER IRELAND in the Millennium Centre on Friday 27th October 10am-12pm.

Rinka Kids Fitness & Wellbeing Tuesday 24th October in the Millennium Centre. Age groups 3-5yrs and 6-9yrs.

Schedule & Booking:

Caherconlish N.S.: We are now taking enrolments for September 2024. For an enrolment form please ring 061 351844 or come to the school between 8.30am – 12.30pm.

TOTAL BODY HEALTH EXERCISE CLASSES Exercise classes open for November bookings in Caherconlish. Wed @12pm (standing class) & 1.10pm (chair-based) starting 4th Oct. Run by Dr Anne O'Malley, Chartered Physiotherapist, Munster Physiotherapy Clinic. Focussing on bone health, balance, and muscle strengthening. Booking essential 087-9227124.

CAHERLINE GAA CLUB LOTTO: No jackpot winner - numbers drawn were 8, 9, 16 & 21. Lucky dip winners were Kay O'Loughlin, Alice Hartnett, Aoibheán Seoighe (Online), Sean & Macie (Online) & Siobhan McKenna (Online). Next week’s jackpot will be €14,200 and the draw will be held on Friday night next via Facebook Live. As always, we appreciate everyone's support. Our lotto tickets can be purchased online, go to or you can buy through the usual outlets in the village. RESULTS: Mr. Binman Under 17 Hurling Division 3 Shield Final, played October 14th in Rathkeale, full time score Caherline: 2-7(13) Templeglantine: 3-14(23). FIXTURES: County U21 B Hurling Championship, Saturday 21st October, Claughaun/St. Patricks v Caherline in St Patrick's Gaa ground at 4:30pm, very best of luck to the lads.


Crafty Angels Sewing Group every Monday from 10.00 am-12.00 pm

Pilates4all every Monday 6-week block of classes at 7pm. Suitable for all abilities classes tailored accordingly. Booking essential. Contact Maire 087 252 0550

Jake Boot Camp: Every Monday, Wednesday, 7-8pm, Saturday Morning 8.30 am €8 per class or 3 classes for €20. All levels of fitness. Booking essential, WHATSAPP Jake on 083 836 2323 or VIA INSTAGRAM @Jake_Carroll9

Slimming World: Every Wednesday Morning, Contact Martina 089 407 9264

Parent and Toddler group every Thursday at 10am -12pm Contact Michelle/Phil 086 888 8105

Hynan Irish Dancing Classes: Thursday 6-7pm Contact Jason Hynan by email:

Gemstars School of Performing Arts: Contact by Email or 087 440 5177.

Parish Notes

WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday at 6.30pm in Caherconlish Church. Sunday Mass at 10.30am in Caherline Church.

WEEKDAY MASSES: Tuesday and Thursday 10am in Caherline Church. Wednesday and Friday in Caherconlish Church.

ADORATION: 10.30am Tuesdays in Caherline Church, and 10.30am Fridays in Caherconlish Church. Caherconlish Church open daily from 9am to 6pm. Caherline Church open daily from 9am to 5pm. Drop in to say a prayer or light a candle for your loved ones.

FIRST COMMUNION: The next Mass for the children who are to receive their First Holy Communion in 2024 takes place on November 12th in Caherline Church at 10.30am.

OCTOBER MISSION MONTH COLLECTION: This supports missionaries working with the struggling communities in the world. There is a Special Brown Envelope No. 3 at the back of your box. You may also drop a donation into our secure sealed box in either of our churches.

Link to LIVE STREAM IN CAHERCONLISH CHURCH-: or from our parish website. Live web streaming from this Church is available only during Mass and selected Services. The Webcam in not accessible at other times.

CAHERCONLISH/CAHERLINE PARISH NOVEMBER REMEMBRANCE MASSES 2023. Saturday 4th Nov. 6.30pm Mass in Caherconlish and Sunday 5th November 10.30am Mass in Caherline. These Masses are offered for our parishioners who died during the past year. If you have a loved one/friend whose funeral took place in the past twelve months outside the parish and you wish to have their name included in these Masses, contact any member of the Parish Pastoral Group or its Secretary on 087 1363737 by Friday 27th October 2023.

THE SYNOD IN ROME. On the third week of the Synod one of the questions under consideration during this stage is the possibility of admitting women to the Diaconate. Sister Maria de los Dolores Palencia Gomez, Superior General of the Congregation of St. Joseph of Lyons, the first woman to preside over a Synod of Bishops described the experience of sitting with Pope Francis at the same table as “a gift and a grace’- and a sign of things to come in the Catholic Church.

Caherconlish & Caherline Parish Fundraiser Lotto Jackpot: Jackpot increases weekly up to €5,000. Draw each Thursday. Lucky dip winner last week Pat Laffan, Jackpot now stands at €1575. Thank you for your support. Bonus National Halloween DRAW on 26th October 2023 with the following prizes. A €1,000 Kildare Village Voucher. A Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer; A €250. Smyth’s Toys Voucher. How it works-everyone who has a ticket in your Lotto draw on 26th October, will also automatically have a free chance to win one of these prizes, The bonus National Halloween Draw is a draw across all organisations with Our Fundraiser lotto. Our Parish online lotto is now two years running, and we thank you for your generous support. We invite people to join us for the start of the next year. Go to or contact Tommy O’Connell from our Parish Finance group who will advise you on how to join. You can take a weekly option of €2 per line or if you can contribute €5 for 3 lines it would be hugely appreciated and you never know you might just win!! Best of Luck! The weekly draw takes place on Thursday evenings.

ROSARY- Each day for the month of October, the Church invites you to pray the Rosary. Joyful Mysteries (Monday and Saturday). The Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesday and Friday). The Glorious Mysteries (Wednesday and Sunday) The Mysteries of Light (Thursday)

NEW ALTAR SERVERS: This is open to children from Third Class upwards in our schools. Application forms are available from either Caherconlish or Caherline Sacristy. These forms may be returned to our Sacristies or placed in the secure boxes in our Churches. Training will be provided.

RIVERSIDE FUELS: Delivering firewood in bags and trailer loads,

also kindling starter sticks in your area this coming winter. We work 6 days a week.

Delivery is free of charge. For more info please contact Patsy on 086 603 0881

Bookings/Enquiries: Contact Millennium Centre on 061 351141/085 288 5181. Email: Please send notes for the newsletter before 3pm on Thursday to https//



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