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Issue 5 4th February 2022

Priests: Fr. Roy Donovan: 087-2225150. Fr. Patrick Currivan: 061-351248.

The Board of Caherconlish Caherline Community Council: The Millennium Centre will remain closed due to fire damage. The repairs have started, and we will update you with a reopening date as soon as we have one. Our main phone lines are down, so please contact Declan on 085 2885181 for any inquiries or bookings. Thanks for your patience and many offers of help.

Christmas Draw: Sincere thanks to the following for their generous spot prizes and donations for our Christmas Draw which took place online on December 8th, 2021.

The Wednesday Club will continue in Mulcahy's Restaurant on Wednesday at 2pm. We look forward to seeing you all. New members are always welcome.

Ballyhoura Development CLG Environmental News: With the increasing focus on climate change, and what this will mean for individuals, communities and across Irish society, these six sessions aim to equip participants with a basic knowledge around Climate Change, Renewable Energies, the Green Transition, and the impact they will have on our everyday lives. The course aims to provide participants with the confidence and competence to take part in conversations around Energy Transition and Climate Change. This course will run on Tuesday’s evenings from 7:30 to 9:00pm, from the 8th of February to the 15th of March. All are welcome and no prior knowledge is required.

Please register your interest here Climate Change for Beginners | Ballyhoura Development CLG

Launch of Irish Wildlife Trust - Limerick Branch: Exciting new opportunity for nature lovers in Limerick.

Several like-minded individuals with lots of biodiversity knowledge, experience and enthusiasm came together in November last year. A public meeting was held in Pallaskenry to gauge interest, and out of that meeting came the formation of the Limerick Branch of the Irish Wildlife Trust. The group are kicking off a calendar of events with a Spring Watch of twelve species over the next 3 months. This will be hosted on their Facebook page, and they are requesting members of the public to identify the first sighting in their locality of each of the species. Sighting images or video clips can be posted to

The aims of the IWT include the following: Development of personal knowledge in identification of Mid-west species so that members become recorders with Biodiversity Ireland (or other knowledge-based bodies). Engagement, on a scientific basis, with State organizations, other official bodies, and NGOs, for conservation of Mid-west species and habitats. Public awareness of local and national conservation issues. Local participation in national IWT campaigns and projects.

Caherconlish School 50/50 Draw. The next draw is Thursday 10th February. You can get envelopes in Centra, Keith Ryan, Matt Barry, Mrs Hickey's shop, MB Hair Design, Upper Cuts, and the School. Thanks for your support.

CAHERLINE GAA CLUB LOTTO: No jackpot winner - numbers drawn were 2, 14, 24 & 26. Lucky dip winners were Sean Kiely, Mary Daly, Daniel, Aisling & Diarmuid Murnane, Linda & Christian (Online) and Martin & Kathleen O Connor. Next week jackpot will be €5,300 and the draw will be held on Friday night via Facebook Live. As always, we appreciate everyone's support. Our lotto tickets can be purchased online, go to or you can buy through the usual outlets in the village. CLUB LIMERICK DRAW: The Club Limerick Draw has been announced for 2022. For only €10 a month. The first draw for 2022 takes place on March 26th. RETURN TO TRAINING: Our U-15's return to training on Wednesday February 2nd at 7pm, our U-13's return this Friday at 7pm & our U-11's return on Sunday February 13th at 11am. MEMBERSHIP: Caherline GAA membership for 2022 can now be paid online through the GAA's Foireann website at .This is the only method chosen by the club this year for payment of membership. This is linked to the Player Injury Insurance Scheme, so if you get injured and the system does not have a record of your membership, you won't be insured. Membership for 2022 is as follows:- Adult Player = €40; U-21 = €30; U-19 = €20 (Max €50 per family for 3 children or more); Adult non-player = €30.


WEEKDAY MASSES: Caherline - 10.30am Monday to Thursday & 11am Friday. Caherconlish - 7.30pm Wednesday & 10am Friday. ADORATION after Tuesday mass in Caherline & Friday mass in Caherconlish

Keep in Touch - PARISH WEBSITE - Caherconlish – Caherline parish pastoral website

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK - Caherconlish Caherline Parish @ccparishpastoral

Link to LIVE STREAM in Caherconlish Church – or parish website.

CAHERCONLISH Church – further parts of the floor have been opened up in the places where it has heaved upwards revealing that there is extensive dry rot present in the timber structure underneath the maple floorboards. The repairs render most of the Church re-usable again.

OUR LADY OF LOURDES/ WORLD DAY OF THE SICK: Friday 11th Feb. Mass in Caherconlish 10am; Caherline 11am. There is the phrase in the Salve Regina describing this life as a ‘Valley of tears’ which is now seen as a negative view of our lives on planet Earth – that God wants us to live life to the full. Yet there is a huge amount of suffering and pain in the lives of so many people. We pray - “grant healing and hope to the sick, the wounded and the dying in their darkest hours, so they may witness the power of your healing presence in the world.”

BAPTISMS – forms can be downloaded from the parish website and the ‘filled in form’ can be sent to Forms also available from the Sacristy. A member of the Baptism team will then contact you to confirm the requested date. Baptisms on Saturdays 5pm & Sundays 12 noon. You can get baptismal & confirmation certs by contacting fr. Roy. Cost 5e for parish funds.

NEW SACRISTAN required in Caherline. You might encourage someone to take it on. Two persons or a rota might be the way to go?

Managing Covid - it feels good that many of life’s ordinary freedoms can be enjoyed once again. For the time being, we will maintain safe practices such as facemask & sanitising.

Parish Fundraiser Lotto: Next week €800. Lucky dip – Mike Walsh. The Lotto helps fund the Live Stream from Caherconlish Church & new ramp railing in Caherline – also repairs to the roofs of both churches & replacing a slate on the parochial house. Join at or through Parish Website.

CONFIRMATIONS; Caherline Church 11am 4th March; Caherconlish Church 11am 1st April. Preparations are underway in both schools & a letter requesting Confirmation has been sent to all parents.

FIRST COMMUNIONS: 11am 7th May in Caherline; 11am 21st May in Caherconlish.

The BASKET collection is replaced by putting offerings in the safe box and box left out during Masses at the end of the Church. We thank you for your generosity.

CAHERCONLISH PARENT & TODDLER GROUP: Continues at the Hospital Family Resource Centre on Thursdays from 10am to 12. Contact Phil & Michelle 061 383884 Phil 086 735 9650

Bookings/Enquiries: Contact Millennium Centre on 0852885181 Email:

Please send notes for the newsletter before 3.00pm on Thursday to:

RIVERSIDE FUELS: Hi folks it that time of the year again when we need to stock up on our fuel requirements. In addition to our range of firewood, turf and kindling in bags we are now doing trailer loads of firewood. For more information, please contact me on 086 6030881



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