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Issue 6 5th February 2021

Priests: Fr. Roy Donovan: 087-2225150. Fr. Patrick Currivan: 061-351248.

Photocopying: Available at the Millennium Centre. A4: Black/White 10c, Colour 20c. A3: B/W 20c, Colour 50c

Millennium Centre playground the playground will be open every day from 10am to 4.30 pm. There are restrictions in place that will be reviewed and adjusted going forward. Parents or guardians are required to: To bring their own hand sanitiser for the cleaning of their children’s hands before and at regular intervals during and after use of the playground equipment. In the absence of such sanitation parents or guardians are requested to refrain from allowing their children to use the equipment. To ensure physical distancing between children. To advise children to avoid touching their face, eyes, nose, and mouth. To ensure children under your care always have regard to the safe use of the equipment and to the safety of others. To adhere to the most up to date health advice. Please respect the restrictions in place and we cannot allow unsupervised children i.e., under 18's to be on the grounds and will take steps to ensure compliance.

MILLENNIUM Name Plaque: We are inviting you, your family, your friends, and the wider community to help with our future planning by purchasing; a Name Plaque 6” x 4” (150 x 100 mm) for the sum of €100. You will be registered as a lifetime member of the Millennium Sports and Social Club in return for your support. Your Plaque with your inscription will be displayed prominently in the Millennium Centre and highlighted appropriately. Contact the Millennium Centre for more information.

Caherconlish Tidy Towns: Following on from the piece last week on dumping of rubbish in the area several residents have asked to highlight the problem of dog fouling on footpaths, gateways and walkways. Under the Litter Pollution Act, it is an offence to let your dog foul in a public place and fail to remove and dispose of the foul properly. An on-the-spot fine of €150 can be imposed on the owner of a dog who fails to remove dog faeces from a public place. From a health point of view failure to clean up after your dog can result in humans, particularly children, becoming infected by a dog parasite called Toxocara canis. A huge thank you to all the concerned residents who have taken it on themselves to clean up the rubbish in their areas. It is very much appreciated.

CAHERLINE GAA CLUB:LOTTO: Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, our club lotto remains suspended for the foreseeable future. CLUB MEMBERSHIP: Caherline GAA membership for 2021 can now be paid online through the Gaa's Foireann website at This is the same website where the health questionnaires were filled out before training & matches during the latter end of 2020. While we won't be back hurling for a while, membership is necessary for insurance coverage when we do return. If you haven’t already registered on this system, you will have to register with a username and password and assign Caherline GAA as your club. Once logged in, you will see the membership tab on the left-hand side, click on this and you will see the different membership options available. Click on ‘register’ with the membership option applicable to you; you will be taken to a secure payments link (operated by Stripe) and your payment can be made here by card, directly to the club. Membership for 2021 is as follow:- Adult Player = €40; Adult Non-Player = €30; U-21 = €30; All U-18's = €20 (Max €50 per family).CLUB LIMERICK DRAW: Congratulations to Gemma & Seamus Murnane on their Club Limerick Draw win last Saturday morning. That closes out the draw for 2020, but the 2021 draw is scheduled to begin in March, more details to follow as we get them. We would like to thank everyone for their support over the last 12 months, it's very much appreciated. The GAA Healthy Club Steps Challenge in partnership with Irish Life is back this January, giving clubs that register on the My Life App a chance to win €2,500, €1,500, and €1,000 O’Neill’s gift vouchers in each province. The new ‘Every Step Counts Challenge’ started on January 13th and will run over seven weeks until March 3rd. As a club, walk a combined total of 4,000km (the equivalent of a trip around the coast of Ireland) to be entered into a draw in your province to win a €2,500, €1,500, or €1,000 O’Neill’s credit vouchers. To join, download the App 'Mylie by Irish Life' (Irish Life-Every Step Counts Challenge). Once registered, scroll down to the challenge, click to select Munster & then select Caherline GAA. This will ensure that all steps will be registered against the Caherline GAA club. All are welcome to join & happy walking!

Parish News

Keep in Touch - PARISH WEBSITE - Caherconlish – Caherline parish pastoral website

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK - Caherconlish Caherline Parish @ccparishpastora

CHURCHES OPEN on SUNDAYS 1OAM to 5PM to drop in, say a prayer, light a candle.

How to survive the Pandemic/ the National Emergency – some notes from a talk given by John Lonergan

Keep your perspective. In every century there is a pandemic. Reduce continually listening to news about Covid and talking about it.

Staying at home 24/7 is very trying. Don’t be too hard on yourself with home-schooling etc. Children/ young people are resilient and will quickly catch up. Co-existing in the house in an emergency requires good communication. Better talk about your feelings than blaming others/confrontation. Have a formal written plan for each day – government/ companies make plans/ why not you/ gives you more control over the day. Minding yourself is important – a) good sleep, b) keep a good diet, c) get out of the house every day for small walks/exercise, d) relaxation – consciously breathing in through the nose and out the mouth 4/5 times a day. Practice 3 things to be grateful for every day – a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, had a lovely breakfast, somebody who phoned, frontier workers etc Keep perspective – see the funny side of things and smile a bit more. Stay calm – the focus is on survival and getting out the other side. Light at the end of the tunnel. Think about the things you can do when it is all over. In 2/3 years, everyone will have forgotten about the pandemic!

Fr. Pat & myself are keeping you in our prayers and Masses. We ask the healing Christ to send healing to everyone in our community and healing to all the peoples of the earth.

PARISH ENVELOPES: If you have not yet received your box of envelopes, you might consider placing your donation in an ordinary envelope with your name/address and/ or cess number which appears on your Church envelope box. Place the envelope in the secure box in either of our Churches. A special thanks to those who are returning their envelopes weekly/ monthly/ yearly. It is greatly appreciated.

Caherconlish National School: The 50 50 draw is postponed for the moment until a time that it is safe to go back to school. We also have postponed our online payments for the moment until we are up and running again. Thanks for all your support, please stay safe at home.

Caherconlish GAA Club: AGM Club Officers President: Pat Hourigan Chairperson: John Halvey, Secretary: John Purcell, Treasurer: Robert McNamara, Registrar: Jackie Gaffrey, Vice-Chairperson Kevin Prendergast, Assistant Secretary: John Partridge, Public Relations Officer: Jackie Gaffrey, Coaching Officer: Donal Whelan, County Board Delegate: John Mulcaire Irish Officer: Peter Kearns, Children's Officer: Donal Whelan Fundraiser. We are continuing with our old clothes collection and will hold a collection day in April date to be confirmed. Once again thanks to everyone that support us.

Bookings/Enquiries: Contact Millennium Centre on 061 351141/0852885181 Email:

Please send notes for the newsletter before 3.00pm on Thursday to:

RIVERSIDE FUELS: We are now covering your Local area with the following fuel products: Top quality firewood, (Net bags and Plastic bags) Kindling starter sticks and black hopper turf. All our products are seasoned, and air dried in our specially designed Shed. We deliver six days a week free of charge. For More information on specials offers and prices ETC. Please contact Patsy on 086 6030881



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