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Issue 29 22nd July 2022

Writer's picture: mwalshwolves2mwalshwolves2

Priests:Fr. Roy Donovan: 087-2225150. Fr. Patrick Currivan: 061-351248.

Photocopying: Available at the Millennium Centre. One-sided A4: Black/White 10c, Colour 20c. A3:

The Millennium Centre, Caherconlish has full catering facilities for up to 200 people and can cater for all types of family and business occasions. We can tailor our menu to suit your budget and requirements. If you have a family event coming up, for example, a wedding, christening, birthday, or a business event such as meetings, team building sessions, networking events or award ceremonies, why not contact us and make an appointment to meet with a member of our team. Furthermore, If you are planning to have your occasion or event at home or at your place of business? We have an extensive take-out menu.

Wednesday Club: Please note we will be open every Wednesday from 2-4pm. For anybody who would like to meet up for a chat over a coffee/tea/scone etc.

MILLENNIUM Name Plaque: We are inviting you, your family, your friends, and the wider community to help with our future planning by purchasing; a Name Plaque 6” x 4” (150 x 100 mm) for the sum of €100. You will be registered as a lifetime member of the Millennium Sports and Social Club in return for your support. Your Plaque with your inscription will be displayed prominently in the Millennium Centre and highlighted appropriately. Contact the Millennium Centre for more information.

Caherconlish New Graveyard: Further to a question from Cllr Brigid Teefy at the Municipal District Meeting on the completion of the extension to Caherconlish Graveyard. Cllr Teefy received the followingreply. Works to Caherconlish Graveyard are complete. There are some snags yet to be completed by the contractor. The Graveyard will be open for the sale of graves within a month. There will be an official opening of the Extension in August/September.

UPCOMING SOCIAL DANCING : Saturday 23rd July music by Robert Brown, dancing from 9pm. & Saturday 6th August music by Dermot Lyons, dancing from 9pm.

Bingo is Back at the Millennium Centre: Every Monday from 8th August. Eyes Down at 8pm.

Further Information contact or 085 110 9478

Crafty Angels Sewing Group: Sewing Group every Monday from 10.00am – 12.00pm.

Pilates4all every Monday in the Millennium Centre 6-week block of classes at 7pm. Suitable for all abilities, classes tailored accordingly. Booking essential. Contact Maire 087 2520550

Chloe’s Yoga Fitness: Every Tuesday from 7pm to 8pm. Booking is required, WHATSAPP 089 260 9590

Slimming World: Every Wednesday, Contact Martina 089 4079264 .

Jake Boot Camp : Every Monday and Wednesday 7-8pm, €6 per class. All levels of fitness. Booking essential, WHATSAPP Jake on 0838362323 or VIA INSTAGRAM @Jake_Carroll9

Rainbow Community Employment, seek workers for CE scheme. Various jobs and localities.

We offer upskilling, Training, and flexible hours. Please contact Paul on 085 2408468

Bookings/Enquiries: Contact Millennium Centre on 061 351141/ 0852885181

Please send notes for the newsletter before 3.00pm on Thursday to:

CAHERCONLISH TIDY TOWNS: We are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted for the Limerick Going for Gold Tidy Towns Category 2022. This category has a top prize of €10,000 with additional runner up prizes. The competition includes a radio interview on Limerick Live 95’s Today show followed by an online public vote. Further details on this will appear in this newsletter in the next few weeks. We would appeal for your support. We would like to thank everyone who has helped to make us “proud of our place”.


WEEKDAY MORNING MASSES: Caherline – Tuesday & Thursday 10am. Caherconlish – Friday 10am. ADORATION after Tuesday mass in Caherline & Friday mass in Caherconlish.

Keep in Touch - PARISH WEBSITE - Caherconlish – Caherline parish pastoral website FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK - Caherconlish Caherline Parish @ccparishpastoral

Link to LIVE STREAM in Caherconlish Church – or parish website. Any feedback to the live stream is welcome.

The Annual Mass in Inch Saint Lawrence Cemetery takes place on Friday 5thAugust 7.30pm. The names of those who died from last August to this August will be read out during the Mass. If you would like the name of someone who died in the last year and was not buried locally remembered at this Mass contact Phil 0871363747. There will be some congregational singing with words provided. We also welcome anyone who would like to play or sing on the night – contact Phil 0871363747.

LETTER FROM ARCHBISHOP TO PEOPLE this weekend. (2050- No Priests: No People: No Churches???!!). Presently there are 73 priests including all those who are APs (associated pastors)/ 48 parishes/ 88 Churches. The average age of priests is 67 years. In 2027 there will be 35 priests under 75. This means there will be big changes in organising parish life with the formation of pastoral units. This calls for parish pastoral leadership teams in surrounding parishes to work together. There will be less Masses and new Mass times will need to be arranged. Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly asks people to engage during autumn in the discussions about future pastoral units which are to be formed by December. We go forward together with the help of the Holy Spirit and confidence in the Risen Christ working with us.

Caherconlish & Caherline Parish Fundraiser Lotto: Jackpot increases weekly up to €5,000. Draw each Thursday. Join Now or 14th July - Mary O Malley €25 Lucky Dip. Jackpot now stands at €1275. Thank you all for your support.

Diocesan pilgrimage to Knock: Sunday 7th August

No wash up for Granny or Grandad today! Pope Francis has established a World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, which takes place for the second time this Sunday 24 July on the theme ‘In old age they will still bear fruit (Ps 92:15)’. "Grandparents and the elderly are the bread that nourishes our lives”. So let us celebrate grandparents and those of an older generation (both living and dead), who have given lives of dedicated service to their families and communities. We are connected with them. We owe them a lot and just as they took care of us in our youth, our society must make sure to do the same for them in their weaknesses and declining years. Maybe grandchildren might like to bring grandparents for an Ice Cream today instead of the other way round!

CAHERLINE GAA CLUB LOTTONo jackpot winner - numbers drawn were 1, 6, 13 & 21. Lucky dip winners were Philip Murphy, Martin Casey (Online), Magaret O'Connell, Maire Casey (Online) and Aisling Murnane (Online). Next week’s jackpot will be €7,700 and the draw will be held on Friday night via Facebook Live. As always, we appreciat everyone's support. Our lotto tickets can be purchased online, go to or you can buy through the usual outlets in the village. ALL IRELAND FINAL: What an honour to be present in Croke Park on Sunday last to witness Limerick winning another All-Ireland title, 3 in a row, 4 titles in 5 years! Many congratulations to the Limerick players, John Kiely and his backroom team! FIXTURES: Our Intermediate Championship gets under way next Thursday, July 28th against Croom in Fedamore, throw-in at 7pm. Very best of luck to all the players & management. CLUB LIMERICK DRAW: The July CLUB Limerick draw will take place on Saturday 30th July 2022, with the Exclusive Star Prize being a two night stay at Ashford Castle, Cong, Co. Galway. 1st Prize €10,000 with 28 other CASH Prizes to give away...entry only€10 per month. Visit to join.



A community based 'not for profit' company. Registered number 244904. Registered charity number 20143206.

(C) Caherconlish Caherline CC CLG. Privacy Policy.

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