Priests:Fr. Roy Donovan: 087-222 5150. Fr. Patrick Currivan: 061-351248.
The Millennium Centre Management & Staff would like to thank you for your continued support and would like to wish you a Happy peaceful Christmas and New Year.
FRIDAY 23rd: Social Dancing to Checkers from 9 pm. Adm €10
Photocopying: Available at the Millennium Centre. One-sided A4: Black/White 20c, Colour 40c. A3: B/W 40c, Colour75C
Millennium Centre Christmas Draw Results: 1st Irene Creamer, 2nd Paul Broderick, 3rd Kay O Connell,
4th Erin McKenna, 5th Saoirse O Loughlin, Congratulation to all winners.
PLAYGROUND: Please note the playground will be closed from Friday 23rd to Tuesday 27th December.
Caherconlish NS: We are now accepting enrolments for September 2023, please contact Maria in the office (061 351844) for an enrolment form or email office@caherconlishns.ie
Joker Fundraiser: Jackpot is €560. Draw this Friday at 10pm. No Jackpot winner last week. Winner of €20 Nellie Warren
Safe Routes to School Programme
Cllr Brigid Teefy welcomes the recent announcement that Caherconlish NS has been included in the 'Safe Routes to School Programme’. This is great news for Caherconlish School as it is the only primary school in the county to be included in the programme. This programme creates safer walking and cycling routes to schools and provides 'front of school' treatments to help alleviate traffic congestion at the school gates. It is operated by the Green Schools programme and is part of the Active Travel. Thanks to the Council staff for putting Caherconlish School forward for the Programme.
Crafty Angels Sewing Group: Sewing Group every Monday from 10.00am-12.00pm. Returns on January 9th
Pilates4all every Monday in the Millennium Centre 6-week block of classes at 7pm. Suitable for all abilities, classes tailored accordingly. Booking essential. Contact Maire 087 252 0550. Returns on January 9th
Jake Boot Camp: Every Monday, Wednesday 7-8pm, Saturday Morning 8.30 am €6 per class. All levels of fitness.
Booking essential, WHATSAPP Jake on 083 836 2323 or VIA INSTAGRAM @Jake_Carroll9. Returns in January
Kids Art Club every Tuesday in the Millennium Centre 6-7pm. To book a place contact 085 1186 411. Returns in January
Slimming World: Every Wednesday, Contact Martina 089 407 9264.
Parent and toddler group every Thursday at 10 am -12pm Contact Michelle/Phil 086 888 8105. Returns in January
Hynan Irish Dancing Classes: Thursday night in the Millennium Centre at 6pm. Contact Jason Hynan by email
Hynanirishdance@gmail.com . Returns on January 5th
Gemstars School of Performing Arts every Saturday in the Millennium Centre from 10 am – 1.30 pm
Contact by Email gemstarslimerick@gmail.com or 087 440 5177. Returns on January 7th
Enrolment for September 23/24: Caherline N.S.is now enrolling pupils for Junior Infants in the mainstream setting and for pupils in the ASD classroom setting for September 23/24. For an enrolment form or to find out how to enrol in our school, please visit the school website at www.caherlinens.ie, click on the enrolment section and follow the instructions. If you know of any families that are considering enrolling in our school for 23/24 it would be appreciated if you could pass this message onto them also.
Enemies of the people by P J Merrick and Peter O'Grady is now released. It is available at Keith Ryan's in High St. or by contacting P J Merrick (0876505381)
MILLENNIUM Name Plaque: We are inviting you, your family, your friends, and the wider community to help with our future planning by purchasing; a Name Plaque 6” x 4” (150 x 100 mm) for the sum of €100. You will be registered as a lifetime member of the Millennium Sports and Social Club in return for your support. Your Plaque with your inscription will be displayed prominently in the Millennium Centre and highlighted appropriately. Contact the Millennium Centre for more information.
Keep in Touch - PARISH WEBSITE - Caherconlish – Caherline parish pastoral website http://www.ccpp.ie
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK - Caherconlish Caherline Parish @ccparishpastoral
Link to LIVE STREAM in Caherconlish Church – https://churchcamlive.ie/caherconlish or parish website.
CELEBRATION OF CHRISTMAS DAY MASSES: Christmas Eve 24th at 6.30pm in Caherconlish with Music, Choir and Congregational singing; Christmas Day 25th at 10am in Caherline & 11am in Caherconlish with Music and Congregational singing. All welcome.
Christmas Mass Bouquet Cards available in our Churches.
ADVENT wreath – White candle lit at all Masses for the feast of Christmas – the birth of Jesus as the Light of the world.
A happy and peaceful CHRISTMAS & ATHBHLIAIN faoi shéan is faoi mhaise daoibh go leir. A special wish and prayer for Caherconlish/Caherline people all over the World. The heart of the Christmas story is that Jesus Christ, the Saviour is born.
Let us work more with this Christ and one another to create greater wellbeing and a better future.
Every blessing from the Parish Leadership Team, Frs. Pat & Roy.
Follow the STAR to Bethlehem! Both Churches have lovely Cribs, flowers, decorations & trees and are open daily for people to drop in and say a prayer or light a candle.
You are encouraged to visit the Crib – a strong Irish tradition. Bring along your children/ grandchildren to pray and to ponder that God is with us and for us in this new-born baby.
CHRISTMAS WEEKDAY MASSES: Tuesday 27th Dec 2.15pm in Caherconlish; Wednesday 28th & Friday 30th 10am in Caherconlish. Thursday 29th 10am in Caherline. (No Masses 2, 3, 4th Jan)
ADORATION Tuesday 10.30am in Caherline & Friday 10.30am in Caherconlish.
The Season of Christmas continues to the Celebration of the BAPTISM of the LORD on Sunday 8th January 2023 and we thank God for the joys and blessings it brings us.
Women’s Little Christmas/ ‘Nollaig na mBan’ - Friday 6th Jan - “FEAST of the EPIPHANY” - Three Wise Ones come to the Crib! Mass on Thursday 5th 7.30pm in Caherconlish. Masses on Friday 6th 10am in Caherline. Adoration 10.30am Tuesday 3rd Jan in Caherline & 10.30am Friday 6th in Caherconlish.
CHRISTMAS BROWN SPECIAL 4 ENVELOPE (SP4) is for the Diocesan Common Fund from which the Priests receive their salaries. Thank you for contributing to the Church Fund through the weekly envelope system. We ask those making their contributions on a once off annual basis to do so as soon as possible.
The 2023 BOXES of Envelopes with accompanying letter have been distributed. Thanks to all who are helping.
The 2023 Spare boxes are available in either sacristy.
Caherconlish & Caherline Parish Fundraiser Lotto Jackpot €2750: Jackpot increases weekly up to €5,000. Draw each Thursday. Winner 16th December — Dave Casey, €25 Lucky Dip. A big congratulations to the winners of our €100 Christmas hampers - Anne Carroll, Agnes Ryan & Joanne Tierney. No luck on the national prizes. Thank you all for your support.
ENVELOPE SYSTEM & CHY3: Please return the CHY3 form which must be refilled every 5 years.
CAHERLINE GAACLUB LOTTO No jackpot winner- numbers drawn were 1, 5, 19 & 22. Lucky dip winners were Jennifer Ryan (Online), Liam Kiely, Jim Balfry (Online), Eoin Nelligan (Online) and Micheál Moore. Next week’s jackpot will be €9,900 and the draw will be held on Friday night via Facebook Live from The Millennium Centre, Caherconlish. As always, we appreciate everyone's support. Our lotto tickets can be purchased online, go to www.lottoraiser.ie/Caherline or you can buy through the usual outlets in the village. OPEN CLUB POSITIONS: We have a few open positions for 2023 that we'd like to get filled as soon as possible - Bord na nÓg Secretary & Children's Officer. We also have two Juvenile coach positions to be filled, U5 & U7 head coach. Important we get all positions filled before the new season starts, please contact any club officer if you're interested in getting involved.
HAPPY CHRISTMAS: From all at Caherline Gaa, we would like to wish everyone home & abroad a very Happy Christmas.
Thank you all for your support throughout the year, have a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas.
Bookings/Enquiries: Contact Millennium Centre on 061 351141 / 085 288 5181 Email: info@caherconlish.net Please send notes for the newsletter before 6.00pm on Wednesday to: info@caherconlish.net